Automator, like the new iOS 12 Shortcuts app, is a powerful Mac automation tool that lets you string together actions and make a workflow or app. And I’ve used it to create a Mac panic button.
New Release How To Create Lyric Video For Mac Pro
What is a “Lyric Video”? It is a video file that displays the lyrics to a song as the music plays. With a Lyric Video you can share the words of your favorite song with friends on YouTube or on another video sharing website. In this page we will suggest you two software:. How to make a lyric video with Kanto Syncro It’s very easy to make a lyric video with (it’s one of the best app to ). Here are the steps to follow to create a great lyric video for Youtube! Step 1. You need to find/download the music file (in mp3 format) and copy the lyrics of the song into a txt file Step 2.
Download and install KANTO SYNCRO on your PC or Mac. Screenshot: Click on FREE TRIAL button to use the demo version (will create first 60 sec of the video). Load the mp3 and the lyrics in Kanto Syncro From the left click “Browse Song” to load the mp3 file of the song. On the right click Load Lyrics From File to load lyrics from the txt file saved before. Step 3. Start the Syncro Click “Start Syncro” to start the sinchronization of lyrics with the song. The program will play the mp3 file and you will have to click on SET button to synchronize each words with the song. Step 4. View Preview At the end of the synchronization click on PREVIEW to see the result Step 5.
Choose output format If the preview is OK click the button “ FINISH AND SAVE” and then choose “AVI” or “MP4” as output format Step 6. Choose the name and the output folder Step 7. Save the video During the saving of the video you will see this screenshot: At the end it will appear a message like this: Process Completed Successfully That’s ALL! How to make a lyric video with Lyric Video Creator Another good solution to make a lyric video is. It’s a very simple program that allows you to create lyric video in 5 minutes. It is very similar to Kanto Syncro but it allows you also to use a “ video bacgkround” to create amazing video lyric files! Here is a detailed tutorial.