Those appear to be command packets for the fingerprint reader. Note that they all start with the same header: 0xef, 0x01, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0x00 You should find the message formats in the datasheet. The byte after the header appears to be the payload size. It indicates how many more bytes are in the message. You will note that 'a6' says the payload size is 6 but only 3 more bytes are in the array. That's because those last three bytes are not constants. The byte after the payload size is most likely a message type.
Note that 'a3' and 'a5' are the same type with different parameter values. From context within the program: 'a' has something to do with initializing the com port. It is sent 5 times with 1.2-second delays between at the start of the program. 'a1' is sent right after the program displays 'BAUD RATE 9600' so I expect it is setting the baud rate. 'a2' seems to be checking for a fingerprint. It is sent repeatedly until the 10th byte of the returned message is 0 or the loop has run 255 times. 'a3' seems to be sent when a finger is detected.
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I think it moves the fingerprint to a scratch buffer. 'a4' is sent to check the validity of the print. The result is in the 10th byte of the return message: 0x00 = VALID 0x09 = NOT REGISTERED 0x01 = ERROR If the Enroll button is pressed: 'a2' is sent first 'a3' is set second and appears to be a verification that the same fingerprint is read twice. 'a5' is sent.
I don't know why. The first 9 bytes of 'a1' are sent followed by 0x05, 0x00, 0x09 (which makes it identical to 'a7') 'a6' is sent which says it has a 6 byte payload but only the first three are included in the array.
The last three are then sent: 'c' A one-byte fingerprint identifier 0x00 0x0F+c (the checksum which changes with message contents. I assume that the 'a4' message, when it indicates a valid print, will have the 'c' value in the buffer somewhere.
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